light of life mentoring services

A unique holistic approach to mental and physical well-being, founded on principles of morals and respect.

In these transitional times, we can often feel stressed, unhappy and distracted. 'Where attention goes, energy flows' - So when we allow ourselves to become triggered it only adds to the negative patterns of behaviour.

Growing Mindfulness

Mindfulness and mindful living helps bring awareness to these patterns and grounds us in the moment so we can build towards a more focused future.

Growing mindfulness in your life will bring space between the thoughts that create barriers and stop you from achieving your true potential. Light Of Life Mentoring Services aims to expand your mind and give you the tools to find self worth, grow confidence and gain a clear direction in your life by listening, supporting, encouraging and inspiring you to take positive steps towards your goals.

Growing Mindfulness

Mindfulness and mindful living helps bring awareness to these patterns and grounds us in the moment so we can build towards a more focused future.

Growing mindfulness in your life will bring space between the thoughts that create barriers and stop you from achieving your true potential. Light Of Life Mentoring Services aims to expand your mind and give you the tools to find self worth, grow confidence and gain a clear direction in your life by listening, supporting, encouraging and inspiring you to take positive steps towards your goals.

Working with the Mind, Body and the Soul

By understanding humanity, selflessness, compassion and forgiveness, lives are transformed within ourselves. In order to have a balanced life we need to be balanced within. This Mentoring service will provide support for you by overcoming your barriers, problems and feelings by talking through our emotions and thoughts. Tools will be given to you to gain a sense of working with the conscious mind, pure heart and being kind to our physical being within the self.


Light Of Life Mentoring Services is based in the West Midlands and follows a unique holistic approach to mental and physical well-being, founded on principles of morals and respect.


A step by step guide that will help release you from unwelcome, intrusive thoughts that can stem from stress, anxiety, PTSD or negative cycles preventing you from moving forward.


Co-Teaching workshops and seminars on spiritual alignment and astrology with with Integration Of The Self.

“Surinder, from Integration Of The Self has spoken to my heart and soul” – Bally Gill 


Including workshops, conferences and seminars. For more information please get in touch. 


  • Working with challenges to reach a greater resillience and emotional intelligence
  • Helping to overcome  limiting beliefs and replace them with ones that empower you
  • Identify behaviours that are keeping you stuck and feel inspired to take new actions to reach your next level of personal success
  • Find the inner strength and peace to navigate difficult situations to create more opportunities in your life
  • Menopause Support – Offering practical, one to one support to manage Menopause concerns and issues.

Achieve What Your Mind Believes

This is true whether it's getting through a tough workout, working towards a professional goal or overcoming challenges in your life. The challenges that we feel we have, often exist within. You'll gain clarity to the priorities, strategies and opportunities within your life to help achieve the execptional results you desire. Our relationship is based on a foundation of love, communication, teamwork forgiveness and happiness.


Light Of Life Mentoring Services is based in the West Midlands and follows a unique holistic approach to mental and physical well-being, founded on principles of morals and respect. Both in person and online sessions are available.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

A step by step guide that will help release you from unwelcome, intrusive thoughts that can stem from stress, anxiety, PTSD or negative cycles, preventing you from moving forward.

Spiritual Alignment

Co-Teaching workshops and seminars on spiritual alignment and astrology with Integration Of The Self.

“Surinder, from Integration Of The Self has spoken to my heart and soul” – Bally Gill 


Including workshops, conferences and seminars. For more information please get in touch. 

Individual Consultations

  • Working with challenges to reach a greater resillience and emotional intelligence
  • Helping to overcome limiting beliefs and replace them with ones that empower you
  • Identify behaviours that are keeping you stuck and feel inspired to take new actions to reach the next level of personal success
  • Find inner strength and peace to navigate difficult situations to create more opportunities in your life
  • Menopause Support – Offering practical, one to one support to manage Menopause concerns and issues.

Achieve What Your Mind Believes

This is true whether it’s getting through a tough workout, working towards a professional goal or overcoming challenges in your life. The challenges that we feel we have, often exist within. 

You’ll gain clarity to the priorities, strategies and opportunities within your life to help achieve the exceptional results you desire. Our relationship is based on a foundation of love, communication, teamwork forgiveness and happiness.

Achieve What Your Mind Believes

This is true whether it’s getting through a tough workout, working towards a professional goal or overcoming challenges in your life. The challenges that we feel we have, often exist within. 

You’ll gain clarity to the priorities, strategies and opportunities withi your life to help achieve the execptional results you desire. Our relationship is based on a foundation of love, communication, teamwork forgiveness and happiness

Get in touch to find out more about our services